Why You Should Switch To Cruelty-free Cosmetics

Cosmetic testing is still a common practice in the industry, even though many consumers believe it’s a thing of the past. Many consumers are now aware that cosmetic testing continues to be carried out worldwide, thanks to the efforts of groups such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and Humane Society International. More and more consumers are now choosing to purchase cruelty-free goods. The truth is that the treatment and conditions of animals are not the only reasons to choose cruelty-free products. However, it is one of the main ones. Kate Somerville is committed to using alternative testing methods to guarantee its products’ safety while offering high-end skincare. Let’s dive into what cruelty-free means and why switching to cruelty-free skincare is essential.

Animal testing is harmful animal testing is cruel. It is a fact. The cosmetics industry uses lab animals for skin irritation tests, eye irritation tests, and force-feeding. In irritation tests, the chemicals or ingredients will either be rubbed on the animal’s skin or dripped on their eyes to see if they cause a reaction. Forcing-feeding tests last weeks or months, and animals must eat the chemicals to test. They do this to check for signs of illness or health hazards such as cancer or congenital disabilities.

Animal testing is not necessary

Existing chemicals and ingredients can be used for the development of new products. Safety data is readily available on hundreds of thousands. Animal testing is unnecessary when companies use existing ingredients instead of developing new ones. Many cruelty-free brands operate in this way.

There are more effective alternatives

Animal testing is an outdated method that is less accurate than modern methods in predicting the effects of a skin type on a product. Alternatives include developing computer-based and mathematical models and cell and tissue cultures. Human Organs on Chips [3], a recent Harvard’s Wyss Institute invention, is one promising option. Scientists and researchers can conduct safer and more controlled drug, ingredient, and toxicity tests using the chips, which mimic human organ structure and function. Some companies even conduct studies on volunteers who know the risks and can consent to them.

There’s more to “Lab Rats”

Many associate animal testing with images of rats caged in a room. While testing on a rat or any other animal is cruel, many testing facilities use a variety of animals. Mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, and hamsters are some animals that could be used in animal testing facilities. Sometimes, even cats and dogs can be used. These animals are often the pets we protect through abuse laws, so allowing companies to test them doesn’t seem very good.

You can choose from a wide range of products

You are mistaken if you think you must buy off-brand products to be a cruelty-free customer. Many top-selling skincare and makeup brands have chosen to be cruelty-free or have been for years. This means there will be plenty of choices. Various products are available, from cleansers and moisturizers to acne treatments and even serums. Kate Somerville is a brand that delivers quality skincare without testing on animals. You may not even know that your makeup and skincare is cruelty-free!

You can easily find it

It is easier than ever to find cruelty-free brands and products thanks to initiatives such as the Leaping Bunny Program and Beauty Without Bunnies. These programs offer searchable databases and certifications that help you find what you seek. These programs will help you switch to cruelty-free items, whether you are looking for an anti-aging cream or an overnight serum.


Animal-tested products tend to be cleaner because they use less toxic chemicals. Some cruelty-free products use only natural ingredients. Skin absorbs all we put on it, so products containing toxic chemicals, parabens, and sulfates will hurt your skin.

Vote using your wallet

Unfortunately, animal tests are still allowed in many countries, including the United States. Despite multiple attempts, the Humane Cosmetics Act, a bill that proposes to ban cosmetic testing, has not been passed into law. It is essential to choose cruelty-free products. This strongly conveys to brands, manufacturers, and legislators that they will not tolerate harmful animal testing.

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