We have all started to ask ourselves how we can better ourselves. What healthy habits can we incorporate into our daily lives? Many of our resolutions, from diets to exercises, aim to improve the appearance of our body, including our skin. You can improve your skin by focusing your self-improvement efforts on it. You can adopt many healthy skin habits that benefit your complexion and overall health. Unsurprisingly, changes inside and outside can affect the skin, as it is the body’s largest organ. We have compiled our team’s knowledge into a list of healthy habits you can follow to get the skin of your dreams.
Healthy Skin Habits
It is a noble task to improve your skin. With patience, you can achieve it. It is essential to understand that skin changes do not happen overnight. It would be best if you were committed to your goal and made consistent changes to see results. You can do many things to improve your skin, both on the surface and internally.
Changes inside
Everything in our body is connected, so your diet, lifestyle, and how you treat your skin will all affect its appearance. You cannot ignore the things you put into your body or surround yourself with every day if you want to improve your skin. These changes are beneficial to your skin and your overall health.
You can increase your water intake
Kate Somerville’s estheticians understand that drinking water can be one of the best things you can do for your skin. Others have found that water intake helps balance skin’s moisture naturally. Water helps flush out toxins from your organs and skin. Some people have reported reduced acne when they increase their water consumption, but studies on the results are insufficient. Drinking more water can help you achieve better skin.
Drinking at least 100 ounces per day will give you the best results. Aly Mac, our esthetician, suggests carrying a large water bottle all day to ensure you drink enough. She says to fill and drink the morning bottle before leaving for work. Fill it up and drink the entire bottle before lunch. Then, please do it again before dinner. You will dramatically increase your water consumption, and it’s a great way to improve your health and skin!
Reduce the amount of processed foods
It is well known that your diet can affect your skin. If you want to see improvements in your skin, you need to change your diet. Specially processed foods are high in simple carbohydrates and saturated fats, such as sugar. The body breaks down these foods quickly, resulting in blood sugar spikes. These spikes in sugar levels can negatively affect your skin if you consume too many foods. If you want to improve your skin, avoiding foods high in sugars, saturated fats, or inflammatory foods is best. These include white bread, candy, and fried food.
Reduce Dairy
Dairy can also negatively impact your skin if consumed in excess. Like water, most evidence supporting a link between milk products and skin issues such as acne is anecdotal rather than factual. The connection between dairy products and acne does seem to exist. Some people believe that hormones in dairy products and milk can cause breakouts. We can’t know the cause, but reducing dairy consumption improves your skin.
Choose Organic
Organic food is the best choice for your health. Organic foods are much healthier than those traditionally produced, which can be less nutritious and contain chemicals and toxins. Genetically modified organisms have been a hot topic recently as we’ve learned more about their impact on human health, biodiversity, and the environment. Generally, organic foods such as meats, poultry, eggs, and dairy products come from animals without antibiotics or growth hormonal treatments. Eating organic foods can help you reduce your exposure to toxins, chemicals, and other harmful substances that could affect the appearance of your skin.
Minimize Stress
Exercise is one of the best ways to improve overall health. It can improve the function of your heart and lungs, as well as improve your mental state. Exercise can reduce skin conditions like acne or eczema by reducing stress. Researchers are still trying to discover the connection between stress and skin. However, some researchers believe that stress hormones may influence the oil glands of the skin and the natural oils released by the skin.
Increased blood flow can help improve your skin. Exercise improves your heart health because your heart pumps blood more efficiently. Once you’re done, however, your heart can pump blood more quickly and efficiently into your skin when you rest.
Changes Outside
After you’ve made changes to your internal body that influence your skin, you can improve your interaction with your skin. You can make a difference and notice improvements by doing several things.
Regular Exfoliation
The process of exfoliating involves removing the topmost layer of the skin. It has a variety of benefits. It helps unclog pores and reduce the appearance by removing dirt from your face. It may also soften age spots, along with anti-aging lotion. This is because it helps to reduce fine lines and wrinkles by removing skin cells that contain the altered pigment. Exfoliation prepares the skin for products to follow. Exfoliation will allow any consequences that follow to penetrate better and work more effectively. Exfoliate two to three times per week, depending on your skin type and the exfoliator you use. Exfoliation is best done less frequently and with a milder exfoliator for sensitive skin.